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the price can’t be any lower
这个价格不能再低了  detail>>
at any price
不惜一切代价 无论花多少代价 无论如何  detail>>
not at any price
无论如何都不行  detail>>
lower the price
减低价格  detail>>
any individual can apply
任何个人能申请  detail>>
can i be of any assistance
如果是熟客  detail>>
can’t…any longer
再也……不能  detail>>
for love or money at any price
无论付出多少代价  detail>>
peace at any price
不惜和平的代价  detail>>
any which way you can
鬼马金刚独臂拳 金拳大对决  detail>>
i can play any role…
任何角色任我玩  detail>>
i can’t afford any disturbance
不要再烦我  detail>>
we can overcome any difficulty
我们能战胜任何困难  detail>>
anticipation of lower price
行情看跌  detail>>
demand a lower price
压价  detail>>
hold off for a lower price
等待低价 暂停行动  detail>>
can we agree the price
我们能不能商定一个价格  detail>>
we can beat that price
我们可以比那个低  detail>>